Ariane Timmermans
Human Design analyst
“The magnet in my core always leads me in the right direction”

Inner authority
When I encountered Human Design in 2009, I had no idea I had come across the knowledge that would define the course my life would take.
I was attending the University of Amsterdam at the time, getting my Bachelor’s degree in Cultural and Social Anthropology. I was so eager to learn about why Humans were the way they were. A lot of the time I felt like an alien in the world I was born in. The more I learned about the world, the louder I questioned: why?! My deepest desire was to understand how all this works. My studies gave me one perspective, Human Design brought in another.
Self-Projected Projector
Human Design showed me that I have an inner compass. It told me I was a Self-Projected Projector and that I had an inner G center authority that I could listen to. In my first reading with Nayla Nadra (Instituut voor Human Design), she told me about the magnetic force inside me that pointed me in the right direction in each moment of my life.
While cycling through Amsterdam, I started practicing. When deciding on which supermarket to go to, I didn’t think about it, but felt into it instead. I tuned into that compass just below my sternum and followed the direction it pulled me to. Nothing groundbreaking happened as a result of these experiments, but I did become closely acquainted with my inner authority.
This is why I didn’t doubt it when it drew me towards India for my master’s field research. Arriving there, my G authority settled in and decided, we’re sticking around here for a while. I ended up postponing my graduation and living in Udaipur for two years. I only returned to the Netherlands because when I landed back there in 2015, my G said, that’s enough now; let’s build a life here.
Professional Analyst Training
This is why I didn’t doubt it when it drew me towards India for my master’s field research. Arriving there, my G authority settled in and decided, we’re sticking around here for a while. I ended up postponing my graduation and living in Udaipur for two years. I only returned to the Netherlands because when I landed back there in 2015, my G said, that’s enough now; let’s build a life here.
By that time the plans I had for after my graduation had been derailed. Instead of taking an internship and launching my career, I had dived into what felt like a PhD. Program – the Professional Analyst Training with Alokanand Diaz (Your Own Authority). I only had one clear goal on my horizon: becoming a Human Design teacher.
I completed my education in 2017. Time for life to take another unexpected turn. I was ready to be certified and launch myself on social media to start doing business, but I rushed my Analyst exam and I failed on a technicality. On top of that, my inner authority said no to going into business. It said no to making something of myself. No to becoming who I imagined I could be. It said, let it be, be here, rest, be alive.
I decided to surrender to it. My authority had never failed me yet, so I trusted it even when it gave me this bizarre challenge. It turned out to have sent me on the journey of integrating everything I had learned. I struggled with some very fundamental questions:
Can I live my design even when living my design doesn’t bring me what I wish it brought?
Do I trust my inner authority even when it doesn’t bring me happiness?
Can I wait for the invitation even when none come?
Do believe in my success even if it is not a thriving business?
“I became who I am”
Readings geven
What kept me going was that every time I gave a reading, even if it was rare, it was a magical experience for both of us. There was something bigger at play in every reading. I said exactly the words the person on the other side of the table needed to hear. My message became about more than just communicating Human Design.
By surrendering to radical self-acceptance, I could guide those who were ready for it into a self-love tailored to where they were in their life. Every time I gave a reading, or had an inspired conversation, I felt empowered to keep going on the path I had come to.
For years I emerged myself in what I called Nothing. I discovered how full it truly is. Instead of expanding outward, I expanded inward. I did not move unless I was moved by the natural flow of life. I let go of any kind of force and any stories that told me things should be different than what they were.
I came home to myself
In 2020 I reached a low point. I had withdrawn so far in myself that not much of the world felt safe for me anymore. In February I decided to isolate myself for as long as I needed. Then a month later, the world joined me. It was a surreal experience to have the world join me in the most radical and alien decision I had ever made. It helped me trust it. Maybe the world was not so bad after all.
I went to the absolute zero point. Being nothing, having nothing to do and nowhere to be. I was in a state of deep rest and recovery. I saw that all that saying no to things was for a good reason. If I don’t have to do anything, then I am only moved by the essential. To find my authentic movement, I needed to let go of all other movement. I made my home at rock bottom. I came home to myself.
After a year of deep rest and recovery, movement came. Life force was awakened in me, more powerful than ever. All that I had learned while resting in the Nothing found words and energy to be spread around. More people started finding me. I started sharing on social media, simply because I felt like it. I retook my Analyst exam, did it right, and passed, completing the 7-year cycle of my certification.
I am who I am
Now I feel like I am here. I am alive. I know who I am and why I am here. Through all that time of not knowing, everything became crystal clear. I have slowly and thoroughly grown roots into the ground. With all the nourishment that reaches me through these roots, I build my home in this world. I am grateful for every step I took along the way.
I have become who I am. My authority had it absolutely correct all those years ago when it said no to all those things I thought I wanted. It was connected to the future I have reached now. I am so grateful to Human Design for allowing me to recognise that inner authority and empowering me with the understanding of why it is right to listen to it.
I am so grateful to meet you here. If you came all this way, you are on a similar journey. I hope my story can serve as a testimony to the fact that you are not alone. It is a privilege to share it with you. May you be inspired to trust yourself even more deeply than you already do.