Get your Human Design chart

Click here to get your own Human Design chart for free.

eraani get your chart

This link takes you to the website of Jovian Archive, the official site of the founder of Human Design, Ra Uru Hu. This website is a great resource for information. Newcomers, start here and find interesting free media here. If you want to save your chart and the charts of other people, along with some great information, go to

What do you see in your chart?

eraani human design chart explanation

The chart is a schematic image of the distribution of energy in the human body. You see the energy centers and the channels that connect them. At the moment of your birth the definition of energy in your body is define. You can see your definition in the red or black coloured gates and channels and the coloured centers.

Want to know more? In a reading I explain extensively what your chart shows and what it can mean for you.