by Ariane | Apr 8, 2024 | Human Design
►►► click to shareWhy talk about the dark side? What do we accomplish with that? Isn’t this discouraging? Why not just look at the good parts and empower those? I have seen a lot written and said about the great things about the Projector. My most read article is full...
by Ariane | Apr 25, 2023 | FAQ, Human Design
►►► click to shareHuman Design is not about believing anything. We are always the first and final authority on who we are and how we function. If your read something about your design that does not make sense, that means it is not relevant for you. You can safely and...
by Ariane | Apr 25, 2023 | FAQ, Human Design
►►► click to shareThe imprint we receive from the position of the Planets at our moment of birth remains the same our entire lifetime. In the same way that the layout of our body doesn’t change fundamentally. What does change through the course of our life is how we...
by Ariane | Feb 14, 2017 | Uncategorized
►►► click to shareBefore I begin this article, let’s first relax a little. Don’t worry, this will not take long – I will get to the information right after this. Just humour me for a bit, and try this out. Take a deep breath. And another one. Feel...